
rediscovering soul

Coaching and Facilitation

While a large part of my current offerings are focused on coach & facilitator education, I do still provide individual and group coaching, as well as facilitation & design services. These offerings have been cultivated over decades of direct service, and distilled into a curated list of favorites.

My coaching consists of both individual and group coaching experiences, and are unique in their soul-centered perspective and imaginal nature. The focus is on deepening self-understanding through exploring the deeper energies and themes that shape our lived experience.

My facilitation services are limited to teams, boards, and groups from the nonprofit, not-for-profit, and educational communities - sectors that I have decades of experience working with and enjoy making a difference with.

Archetypal Coaching

the creative process of life coaching enhanced by the imaginal perspective of soul

The archetypal coaching I offer is individual coaching, modeled on the coaching I developed and offered within my dissertation research. It blends together traditional life coaching with the core movements of archetypal psychology and other imaginal practices. The imaginal perspective at its core is designed to invite multiple perspectives and deepen how events are perceived. Please reach out to schedule an exploratory conversation.

Archetypal Threads: weaving your personal soul-sparks

discovering ithe archetypal stories that guide your life

Below outer objectives lies a deeper world of meaning and insights. Knowing your own core energies and preferred ways of accessing this deeper wisdom presents an opportunity to move beyond outer objectives and develop an awareness of the deeper currents moving within your life. This awareness encourages deep reflection, reflection that encourages a more meaningful understanding of your personal self and stories. Please reach out to schedule an exploratory conversation.

Virtual offering: 3 group sessions and 1 individual session

Includes the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator assessment

The Practice of Living a Truly Authentic Life

a retreat experience for those seeking to become more and more themselves

“We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.”

James Hollis, What Matters Most

The Practice of Living a Truly Authentic Life was born from an academic paper I wrote when I was a fledgling depth psychologist, just adding this new perspective to my work as a career coach and group facilitator. I had been coaching and facilitating for a number of years, but this was the first time I was asked to put down in writing my recipe for guiding someone as they deeply explored the gifts and passions.

The paper was titled, Answering the Call: the practice of living a truly authentic life. My professor read my paper and gave me this feedback:

Marta! Freaking awesome final paper! I loved it! I feel like this is completely on its way to being a book. Seriously. It's that good.

While I was excited by the response, something inside me resisted the idea of it becoming a book. As a life coach, I believe in the power of partnership, and there are some journeys that benefit immensely from a journey guide. For me, this was one of them. Instead of a book, I began to develop the paper into a series of steps designed as a path to follow as you discover and learn to live your authentic life - steps to be actively supported by a guide, a coach, a mentor.

In its use with those I've worked with the practice has matured, but at its core it remains the same guide that I first wrote about. I now offer it as a 4-day group coaching / retreat experience for those seeking to explore what it means to live a truly authentic life.

In-person offering: 4-day retreat

Design & Facilitation

guided team and board experiences

I design & facilitate learning experiences for intact teams and boards, preferably those from the nonprofit world. My design and my facilitation combine elements of:

Dialogue education principles (Keep it engaging and relevant),

Graphic facilitation (Engage our brains in multiple ways), and

Experiential facilitation (Have fun).

I have experience designing and facilitating learning sessions (2-4 hours), single day and multi-day learning experiences, group retreats, visioning sessions, and more. All of my design work is custom developed, based on the needs of those I work with. I have decades of experience working with educational institutions and organizations from the nonprofit world, and adjust my rates accordingly. Please reach out to schedule an exploratory conversation.

click here for

2025 Calendar of Offerings

(dates to be posted in November 2024)

"I finally found my rhythm when I realized that even the steps backward were part of the dance."

.Melody Godfred