
rediscovering soul

Soul-centered Coaching & Facilitation Certificate Program

“Psychological creativity can go on anywhere, like this between us. Between people, in conversations, in families . . . even in the craziest emotions if we stand them, if we work with them, if we imagine ourselves engaged as artists in life, if we use artists as our models instead of sober teachers and sterile doctors and administrators, then we would work with the daily mess in our lives as the material for psychological creativity.”

James Hillman, Inter Views

the program

The five levels in this program embody my blending together of the creative processes of life coaching & facilitation with the imaginal perspective of soul. The first level sets a foundation, building on my dissertation research and exploring the importance of poetry, passions, ritual, and dialogue in creating a soul-centered container. The four advanced levels offer a deeper exploration of archetypal psychology's core concepts and perspectives, finishing with a co-created mentoring experience. The level of complexity grows just a bit, but as the program unfolds, the courses maintain their focus on practical information and practices for cultivating a soul-centered perspective. You will not complete the program and be a depth psychologist, you will, however, be ready to bring a more imaginal perspective to the work you offer to the world, and to encourage that imaginal perspective in others.  

Certificate Program Details

This certificate program will not provide you with entry level skills to become a life coach or facilitator. The program is designed for coaches and group facilitators who want to enhance their professional offerings.

Levels I through IV contain two courses each. Each course is 20 hours in length, comprised of self-guided assignments and four coaching sessions. The self-guided assignments include videos, podcasts, reading, creative assignments, and reflective writing. Level V is a 40-hour mentorship.

Completion of all courses within a level is required to advance to the next level.

Completion of all levels is required to receive the certificate in soul-centered coaching & facilitation.

Level I: Creating a Soul-centered Container

This introductory course focuses on exploring techniques that create a container that invites soul into the coaching partnership or facilitation experience.   It is designed to answer the question, "How do we design a container that encourages both reflection and action, inviting a shift to an exploration of deeper meaning and insights?

Level I, Course 1: Rediscovering Soul

Module 1: Ways of Knowing - How do we engage the knowing of mind, body, soul and spirit?

Module 2: Passions, Glimmers and Sparks - What role do passions play in shifting our focus from outer to inner, from events to experiences?

Level I, Course 2: Myth and Poetry

Module 1: Poetry as Imaginal Practice - How can the practice of reading poetry and deeply considering the words and images foster creative reflection and insights?

Module 2: Myth, Gods, and Goddesses - How does imagining into myth connect us to deeper truths and universal understandings?

Level II: Encouraging Psychological Creativity

The second level in the soul-centered certificate program focuses on core movements and concepts that nurture an imaginal, soul-centered perspective. It is designed to answer the question, "What are the foundational psychological beliefs that enable us to guide a soul-centered process?"

Level II, Course 3: An Archetypal Approach

Module 1: Psychological Creativity - What is psychological creativity, or soul-making, and what are some practices that encourage this imaginal approach that we can easily use and share with others?

Archetypes to Archetypal - How does Hillman's archetypal approach differ from the concept of archetypes and what does this approach offer to a coaching or facilitation experience?

Level II, Course 4: The Archetypal Soul

Module 1: Soul and Spirit - How does soul differ from spirit, and what does each offer to a transformative experience?

Module 2: The World Soul - What is the anima mundi, or world soul, and how does the imaginal perspective it embodies impact psychological creativity?

Level III: Cultivating an Imaginal Perspective

The third level in the soul-centered certificate program focuses on fthe foundational concepts of the image and the imaginal and what they bring to a soul-centered container. It is designed to answer the question, "How do the concepts of the image and the imaginal realm shape the creation of and movement within a soul-centered container?"

Level III, Course 5: Stick to the Image

Module 1: The Image - What does it mean to "stick to the image" and why is the image central to psychological creativity?

Module 2: The Imaginal Realm - What is the imaginal realm and how is this in-between space different from imaginary or make- believe?

Level III, Course 6:  Archetypal Movements I

Module 1: Imagining Things - What is the psychological movement of personifying and how can it enhance a transformative experience?

Module 2: Archetypal Imagination - How can an archetypal perspective, grounded in myth and the imaginal, enhance a transformative experience?

Level IV: Inviting Soul

The fourth level course in the soul-centered certificate program focuses on advanced practices that encourage psychological creativity and invite soul into the coaching partnership or facilitation experience. It is designed to answer the question, "How do we listen, reflect, and ask in ways that encourage psychological creativity and invite soul?"

Level IV, Course 7: Archetypal Movements II

Module 1: Falling Apart - How do we safely guide the process of pathologizing - creatively reflecting on a wounding experience - in a way that uncovers what it offers to soul?

Module 2: Seeing Through - How do we offer the psychological questions that encourage the reflective & creative responses of soul?

Level IV, Course 8: Storytelling & Mirroring

Module 1: Storytelling & Mirroring - How do the practices of storytelling & mirroring allow us to hear and share back the larger truths held within the spoken and unspoken word?

Level V: Soul-centered Mentorship

This fifth and final level in the soul-centered certificate program provides an individualized experience of developing and delivering this transformative experience that encourages the imaginal and reflective perspective of soul. The course is designed to answer the question, "How do we design, coach, and facilitate soul-centered coaching partnerships and/or group learning experiences?"

Level V: Soul-centered Mentorship

This is a fully customized course, co-created to meet the individual needs of the participant. Working with the guidance of the course instructor, participants will design a soul-centered experience, receiving interactive feedback and design tips. Once the design for the session has been developed and approved, the particpant will be observed delivering the soul-centered coaching session or facilitation experience, followed by feedback and refinement.

Program Registration

program registration opens in October 2024

"Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots."
