
Marta Koonz, PhD, PCC

rediscovering soul

the creative process of life coaching enhanced by the imaginal perspective of soul

When I first shifted my attention from group facilitation to life coaching, I remember being told that people come to coaching for their outer goals, but eventually there's a shift to the inner goals. I had seen that in my facilitation work, and really liked the concept, but I found that, in practice, it was all too easy to keep the focus on the outer activity and neglect the inner exploration that isn't measured by external progress.

Soon after, I discovered depth psychology, and within that archetypal psychology, and through my course work and dissertation research learned to layer its imaginal perspective onto my coaching and facilitation. I quickly realized that I had found what I was looking for - a way to intentionally encourage a shift to the deeper work of soul.

The training, mentoring and coaching I now offer is a reflection of this blending. After decades of coaching & facilitating, I have shifted the balance of my offerings to mentoring and educating coaches and facilitators. My offerings provide an enhancement to professional offerings, not a new program or prescribed method. Coach & Facilitator Education, Soul-centered Certificate Program, and Mentor Coaching all provide ways of interacting within a life coaching partnership or group learning experience that invite a more creative perspective.  

Simply put - I guide coaches and facilitators who want to shift the energy of their offerings from a focus on outer objectives to an exploration of deeper meaning and insights.

I also provide direct Coaching and Facilitation services on a limited basis. These offerings have been cultivated over decades of direct service, and distilled into a curated list of favorites.

My coaching consists of both individual and group coaching experiences, and are unique in their soul-centered perspective and imaginal nature. The focus is on deepening self-understanding through exploring the deeper energies and themes that shape our lived experience.

My facilitation services are limited to teams, boards, and groups from the nonprofit, not-for-profit, and educational communities -  sectors that I have decades of experience working with and enjoy making a difference with.

"The human adventure is a wandering through the vale of the world for the sake of making soul."

.James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology