
Marta Koonz, PhD, PCC

rediscovering soul

partnering with coaches and facilitators as they deepen into their call to guide others through transformation and change

So much is in the works, but for now - we wait. I've been impatient to put my offerings out into the world, but I've realized that the writing needs to come first. Actually, the writing began years ago, but the time has come to finish what I started. I have two books asking to be written, one on the practice of living a truly authentic life and the other on soul-centered coaching: The first expands a paper I wrote during my first year of doctoral studies, the second builds upon my dissertation research.

Both have continued to tug at me, calling me to return and nurture them into fully formed works. This call, as calls often do, became impatient and spilled forth in a sudden flash of understanding, bidding me to answer or risk never being asked again. And so, I write.

Yet the call also offered me an insight to sustain my time away, an understanding that the work I offer to the world flows from this writing. I have been attempting to create learning & coaching experiences, only to now realize that they are only half formed without the writing to provide the foundation. And so, I write.

I will continue to provide mentor coaching - formal mentor coaching for ICF coaches, and mentor coaching in the areas of psychological type and design & facilitation. I will continue to write my blog. But - my learning & coaching experiences have been paused until the writing is complete and the foundation is in place. Until then, I write.